9 years ago
October 31, 2010
October 30, 2010
I love my Utes! Going on 8-0 after an ever close game against Air Force! Weird things happen whenever we play AFA, but a win's a win, right?
Next week... #4 TCU at home! Let's cream those horned frogs to a purple paste boys!
PS- I love this picture... so hot! I sure do love my Utes!
Welcome to the SLC
Pictures speak louder than words, so here are a few of the many reasons why I love my city... Especially during this time of year:
Salt Lake City at night.
![]() The University of Utah campus during autumn and with a gorgeous backdrop of the Wasatch Mountain range. Changing leaves up the canyon. |
Sometimes I forget how beautiful my home is. I've lived in the Salt Lake valley my entire life and I've grown so accustomed to my surroundings that they often blend together and I don't even notice them. Today was one of those days when I realized how lucky I am to live in a little corner of the world as breathtaking as this one is.
I love you, SLC!
October 25, 2010
October 22, 2010
#18 Wear University of Utah attire to BYU's campus and cause some trouble.
Last night my sorority dressed up in our finest University of Utah attire (I wore my Ute headdress) and made the long journey 50 miles south to Brigham Young University, our biggest rival and the most horrible school in the world. Our goal was to catch as many Cougars as we could, and take them to get ice cream.
It was quite an eye opening experience... we felt as if we had been transported to a different universe, and we pretty much were. We wandered around the campus, getting countless strange and angry stares from people, many rude insults, a few jokes, and a whole lot of awkward vibes.
Here are some pictures of our journey...
^These guys were jerks... especially the one in the mustache.^
"We're wearing our CTR rings... does that count?"
Deep in enemy territory,
^I talked the guy on the left into transferring to the U because we are far superior to BYU and just more awesome in every possible way you could imagine... espeically football. He had a strange obsession with Shamu... just though I'd add that.^
We got home later than we thought, sat through hours of traffic and endured all sorts of odd smells, but we survived so I guess that's all that matters. This little trip made me love the University of Utah even more than I did, which I didn't think was possible, and made me extremely proud to be a student there!
20 before 20,
College Life,
Things I Love
October 20, 2010
October 18, 2010
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. - Albus Dumbledore
I read the first Harry Potter under the duress of my mother when I was just 9 years old. I thought it was nerdy and stupid and would NOT read it. But boy am I glad she forced me to!
Harry Potter was a HUGE part of my childhood. When each book came out, it was like catching up with old friends every time. I grew up with the characters. They became as real to me as anything. When I read the last words of the last book, I burst into tears and cried for HOURS! No joke. That's how much I loved these books.
Somewhere in there, the movies started coming out and it made the wizarding world of Harry Potter even more real to me. I just love them so much, I can't even describe how much I love Harry Potter!
Exactly one month from this very moment, I will be in a movie theatre (in full costume of course) with some of my best friends watching the first half of the last Harry Potter movie. Words cannot even begin to describe how stinkin' excited I am! But at the same time it's really sad, because once the 2nd half of the movie comes out next year, it will be over.... forever. And after growing up with Harry, Ron and Hermione after all these years, it will be really hard to say goodbye.
Book Reviews,
Things I Love,
October 17, 2010
I have pictures and instructions for how I made my costume on this link!
Halloween is by far one of my favorite holidays. It's the one day a of the year that you get to be whoever (or whatever) you want and go crazy! The over abundance of candy is also a big bonus.
I have pictures and instructions for how I made my costume on this link!
Halloween is by far one of my favorite holidays. It's the one day a of the year that you get to be whoever (or whatever) you want and go crazy! The over abundance of candy is also a big bonus.
I have been playing this year's Halloween for a few months now. And guess who I'm going to be?....
Princess Jasmine of course!!
I spent hours online trying to find the perfect costume, but nothing looked exactly like her outfit in Aladdin. So I decided to make my own! So far I have the curly toe shoes, the wig, the jeweled headband, the earrings and necklace, and I finished sewing the pants a couple days ago. All I need to do now is sew the top, which I'm pretty nervous about since I'm not using a pattern so I can tell you right now it's definitely going to be tricky. I'll post the finished product in a few days once I have everything done. So excited!!! This Halloween is going to be the best ever!
To view my costume and get the links for the websites where I bought some of the accessories, please click the link below. Thanks!
My Princess Jasmine Costume
October 12, 2010
Christmas with Disney
I cry every time I see this video... I'm not even kidding. I'm crying right now!
I love Disneyland more than anywhere else in this world, and only 68 more days until I'm there again! My family is going for Christmas this year and I honestly can not wait!
This will be my first Christmas away from my extended family, which I'm kind of sad about. We have very specific traditions, and it will most definitely be strange not doing them for the first time in my life. Christmas is most importantly about celebrating Christ's birth, and it's also about family, loving each other, eating lots of yummy food, laughing, watching snow fall out the window while you curl up in a blanket with a hot cup of chocolate, gift giving, lots of decorating, sledding, hours upon hours of Christmas tunes on FM 100, and staying up late listening for Santa's reindeer. Luckily for me, I'll be able to do almost all of these things at Disneyland this year!
Although I'll be missing my of my aunts and uncles and cousins, I'm glad I'll be able to spend my favorite time of year at my most favorite place on earth. I can't wait to see the giant Christmas tree light up on Main Street, and I especially can't wait for the firework show complete with real snow! I'm planning on getting some hot chocolate from the Market House on Main Street, it will be like I never left home :]
The thing I love so much about Disneyland is how free it makes me feel. When you pass through those gates you leave all your troubles and worries behind and become a kid again. The only thing you have to worry about is how many times you'll be able to ride Pirates of the Caribbean or if you'll get a good spot at the fireworks show. I love Disneyland because I have SO many happy memories there. My parents first took me when I was 4 years old. My baby sister passed away the year before, and my parents thought it would be a good idea to take me since I wasn't handling the situation very well. I still remember how happy I was and how special I felt being there. Disneyland taught me how to be a normal kid again. And it's were I learn to be a kid again every time I go. I think people sometimes grow up too fast. Being an adult is no fun, so I think it's important to always have the kid side of you come out every once in a while. Life is more fun through a child's eyes anyways.
Sorry about all this rambling mumbo jumbo, it's nearly 5 in the morning and I haven't slept at all... growing pains! I have a feeling I won't remember any of this when I wake up this afternoon!
October 4, 2010
Rainy Monday
Today was the first day this year that it FINALLY felt like fall here in Utah. I wore my black suede boots and my favorite cardigan, and strolled about campus with my trusty umbrella. It was a gorgeous day to say the least.
And after a long day of school, errands and work, I'm now unwinding with Gossip Girl and a steamy mug of hot chocolate complete with tiny marshmallows. Life is goooood :]
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