But on a happier note, it's Valentine's Day and this weekend has been a blast!
I started out by going to my sorority's pledge banquet on Thursday night which was amazing to say the least. We went to our advisor Patti's house and ate a yummy Cafe Rio salad dinner and then had a program to initiate all the pledges and make them actives. Each of the girls in the presidency got up and bore their testimonies and the Spirit was so amazingly strong in the room that many of us had tears running down our cheeks. Then each of the pledges brought their favorite flower to the front and introduced themselves and said what they would bring to the sorority. We put each flower in a vase and then gave the bouquet to Patti. I brought white orchids that I just happened to stumble upon while on an adventure in downtown Salt Lake City. I took the Trax train from school to meet my parents at Trolley Square and had to walk a few blocks to get there once I got off the train. On my way, there was a group of creepy looking men walking towards me so I dodged into a cute little flower shop. One of the first things I saw when I walked in was a big vase full of white orchids. I couldn't help buying a stem because they were so beautiful.

Friday I went to pick up the jewelry I made at the glass making class I took last week. (My stuff looks awesome if I do say so myself.) Then I went out to lunch with Rachel and Joanna. We went to a cute little Chinese place called Pei Wei and ordered off the kids menu. We talked about boys, and school and an adventure we plan to take when the whether warms up... we are going to dress up in fancy lingerie, make crazy masks, build a fire in a park and run through the trees like banshees. I can't wait.
That night Rach and I went to go see 'Dear John' with my friend Amanda who is in my sorority. We went to the Gateway Mall downtown and had fun shopping and getting ice cream at Ben and Jerry's. The movie was really good... then again, what movie with Channing Tatum isn't really good? We all cried like babies and it was one of those nights I really wished I would have brought tissues because we all needed them.
After the movie Rachel and I went back over to her house because she wanted to show me her basement. She is getting it remodeled and the painters finished all the walls and ceiling. They tore out the carpet so all that was there was bare cement. We decided to get Sharpie markers and write little notes to whoever pulls up the new carpet in the future. We also made a list of all the things that are popular right now.
Saturday Rach and I went on a double date with her boyfriend Jeff and my friend Kyle. We came over to my house and made pizzas and then went up to the U to go see our Utes play the Lobos in basketball. We went knowing they would cream us because they are one of the best teams in the nation right now and we are one of the worst. But we actually kept up with them pretty well! The last quarter was SO intense. We were screaming, and clapping, and banging benches, and waving our arms in the air like crazy people. We were 3 down, and there were 8 seconds left on the clock when one of the guys on our team threw a 3-pointer from the corner. The stadium went dead silent and then everyone went into hysteria when it swooshed into the basket. The game went into overtime and we ended up loosing, but it was still a great game! We all lost our voices.
After we went back to my house and watched Toy Story 2 and made yummy Reese's dessert bars. After the movie, Rachel and Jeff left so me and Kyle turned on the Olympics for a little bit. It got kind of boring so we switched to The Nanny. He had never seen it so I made him watch it even though Fran's voice annoyed him. haha I'm so mean :]
Today I went to church with my friend McKenzie. She lives in the dorms so she goes to a single's university ward. It was a lot of fun! We got roses in Relief Society and then in Sunday School me and Kenz whispered back and forth about a guy in our class that she thought was really cute. After church I went home and had dinner with my family. Grandma came over and we had a really yummy dessert: chocolate covered strawberries! We watched the Olympics for a couple of hours and I fell asleep.
Now here I am, wishing this weekend could have lasted so much longer and dreading the long week ahead of me. Hopefully I will find a little bit of time to add a post or two, but if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know why.
This sounds completely blissful. :)